Lightworker Name

What is your Lightworker Name?

It's been almost three years since I was inspired to create the Lightworker Name game, and I am floored with the response!  It has gone around the world several times, and I've had the opportunity to speak to many on the meaning of the soul groups and soul vibrations introduced in this game.

Thousands of people around the world feel a deep connection with their Lightworker Name - how wonderful is that?  This tells me that we are many seeking a deeper meaning to our daily life.  We are many awakening to the wisdom of our soul, knowing that there is more to life than the hum-drum routine and superficial qualities of the modern world.

I've worked with women around the globe who wondered:

  • What is my spiritual gift?
  • What is my soul group of origin? (I *know* my soul isn't earthly!)
  • Why do I keep staring at the stars?
  • How do I embody my soul's purpose?
  • How can I best serve other souls on this planet?

I love seeing the transformation that happens when I work with these women.  Their eyes become brighter.  They smile more often.  Their relationships flow with more ease.  They are more open to abundance.  Their stress level decreases.  Even their children’s behaviour improves!

My magic?  I can get you re-connected with your Soul.  Your Joy.  Your true desires.  Your gifts.  I can see past your pain, past your ego resistance, past your blocks.  I know when you’re out of alignment, and how to get YOU back in your life.

Connecting with your Soul is the fastest, easiest ‘get-the-answers-you-need’ way to move from a place of stress, confusion and fear, to a place of joy, creativity and inner peace! Your Soul is the key to profound shifts in your energy and your ability to love life. To unleash your magic, you need to journey to know YOU - all of you, your beauty, your wisdom AND your pitfalls and darkness. It's not an either/or situation: in this world of contrasts, you are BOTH light and darkness, and you can't ignore either of them if you wish to feel complete, fulfilled, and alive!

When you step into that high vibe space and unlock that magic... well, miracles happen.

Are you ready to tap into your soul's wisdom?  Are you ready to reclaim your freedom and your magic?  Sign up here to receive my new gift to you.

The Art of Being YOU : 3 Steps to Unlocking Your Soul’s Wisdom

I want to make it easy for you to reclaim your freedom and your magic, so I will send you one chapter of this ebook at a time through a series of emails.  I really want you to do the work involved in one chapter before you move on to the next one; it's the best way to integrate the new energy!  In each chapter, I will guide you through exercises to:

  1. Identify what you want, and why you want it. Too often, we know we want change in our life, but we’re not too sure what that is. Or we may want to change to please someone else, and that can create mental and emotional confusion. This chapter will give you clarity of purpose!
  2. Untangle what is holding you back. As we go through life, we get caught up in our mind’s stories about what ought to be. We trip up on past hurts. We are fearful of so many things. Learn to recognize negative patterns, and choose the energy most aligned with your Soul.  This chapter will give you clarity of emotion, so you can make better decisions and move forward without the emotional mess!
  3. Take action. Just thinking about what your soul wants, and knowing what would make you happy is not enough: you need to take action! Imagine cooking the best dinner you’ve ever had. See yourself taking out the pots and pans, carefully measuring ingredients, and even adding a big dollop of Love to the mix. Imagine how nice it smells. Imagine the anticipation of tasting this delicious creation. BUT… if you’re still sitting in your chair, that meal won’t cook itself, right? You know the recipe for your soul’s happiness, now it’s time to cook! This chapter will give you clarity of action!
  4. Finally, you will receive a special invitation for a complimentary session with me, where we will review your discoveries and celebrate your “a-ha” moments. I will give you an overview of your Soul Profile that will validate where you shine and where you might still feel stuck. We will also discuss your next steps to mastering the art of being you.

Because, face it: you’re a masterpiece in the making. You are beautiful, wonderful, and complex. You have depth, you have shadows, you have vulnerabilities. And it’s all good. In the canvas of your life, you can only be YOU, and that is more than enough.

Are you ready to journey with your Soul? Start with the first step to unlocking your soul’s wisdom!

Have fun and shine on, Lightworker!

Lightworker Names - Insights

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